Concert Review

Jonsi at the Fox Theater in Oakland

Words by Ice Cream Man

Photos by Paige Parsons, Jeremiah Garcia

The main question that went through my head while I was watching Jonsi at the Fox Theater last night in Oakland was, “how come more bands don’t do this.” This being a full light and video show to accompany their live sets. Jonsi, the lead singer of Sigur Ros, released a solo album earlier this year titled Go and for his world tour he and his boyfriend and some others created a movie-like experience to sync with most songs on the album. I guess the big difference between this and what other video projections I’ve seen at shows is that it wasn’t just a film being played in the background but there was a creatively-timed light show to showcase the band and to cast shadows against the rear screen.

The thing you need to know Jonsi, and Sigur Ros for that matter, is that they make very engaging, moving, captivating music so it’s not just an art or video show you’re watching. If there were no special effects this show still would have been great. One thing I actually liked about it was that for about a quarter or third of the songs, they hardly used the video or lights at all. There was a place for slow songs and upbeat ones in his set and the crowd ate it all up. The only sounds you could hear during the slow songs in the 3000-capacity theater were the bartenders serving drinks. During the upbeat songs like “Go Do” and “Boy Lilikoi” most people were bopping their heads and tapping (or stomping) their feet then they’d explode into applause at the end. Don’t miss the chance to catch Jonsi or Sigur Ros if they pass through you’re town.

Until the end of the day NPR will be playing a webcast of the Wiltern show in Los Angeles here.

Also, check out some additional photos from the Wiltern show.

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