Concert Review

Lucent Dossier Wednesday Night Get Away in Hollywood

Words by CraSH

Photos by CraSH

Lucent Dossier, the ecelectic, post-apocalyptic, Burton-esque, twisted innuendo vaudevillian performance troupe, has once again taken up residency in the fair city of Los Angeles.  They have found a new industrial vintage home at the H.Wood in Hollywood. Staircases, brick facades, second story windows and a open courtyard provide an interesting stage on which they will either amaze you or completely baffle you.  So if you are looking to remedy those Pre-Holiday Humpday Blahs, then a little dose of Lucent Dossier just might be the cure.  Go down dressed in your finest industrial vintage (i.e. turn of the century industrial revolution chic) have a few drinks and dinner, be entertained or puzzled.  Maybe even decide to run off and join the circus. They just recently held auditions for new members, so they may still have a few openings.

Anyways, their residency is every Wednesday night in December. Catch them if you get a chance.  Who knows. Maybe the next time I will see you performing with them.

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