Concert Review

Phishing at the Gorge

Words by CraSH

Photos by CraSH

Funny how you take some time away from something, and when you go back it is like nothing really changed. Sort of a homecoming. Venturing north to see my first Phish shows of this Tour and the first in a long while. Figuring that The Gorge would be a good first place to see them again. I was definitely “The Man Who Stepped into Yesterday.” Besides, how could one turn down going one of those venues that usually propels the show into legendary status, much like Red Rocks does.

Only a handful of bands can entice large amounts of people to travel great distances to go see them. Although this was a local Pacific Northwest show, there were people from all over the country. My journey began when my friend said “Dude! I got extra tickets.” Pretty much all the arm twisting I needed. I can sincerely say that I would have regretted not going to see them at the Gorge. So thanks Hiroki for the tickets.

The Gorge is perfect venue for a run of shows. There is camping and it is in the middle of nowhere in eastern Washington. Long lazy days spent eating, drinking, and hanging waiting for the witching hour for Phish to go on. We missed the heat wave of the previous week and had absolutely gorgeous weather. But this was eastern Washington, so it was open country with no shade other than that which you brought. This made me especially happy that we got an RV.

The Gorge is quite the spectacle as you enter the venue and pop over the little rise to be blown away by the view. You almost have to pinch yourself as you think “I can’t believe I am here” and “This is going to be an awesome show!” Coming over the rise, the amphitheater lawn drops steeply down towards the Columbia River Gorge, with the stage hovering over the rim with the backdrop of a setting sun in the west. I can see why all photographers complain about all of the exercise they get when they shoot the Sasquatch Festival. The band came on both nights just as the sun set in the horizon.

A “Down with Disease” opener was a most appropriate and as I turned and looked upwards towards the crowd as they sang “A thousand barefoot children outside dancing on my lawn.” Turned back towards the stage with a big “shit-eatin’” grin thinking “Yeah! It’s good to be home.” I could bore you with a blow by blow analysis of the show, but I won’t . You can check out the Friday and Saturday setlist and imagine what it was like or wait for the downloads. For me, it was good to see Phish back together. I left happy and will definitely put any future Gorge shows at the top of my “to see” list. Next up Ocho in Coachella.

It was great running to all of you Jam Cruisers!


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