News Article

Ice Cream Man Needs Your Help With

Words by Ice Cream Man

Photos by Ice Cream Man

We’ve got a million ideas over here about fun li’l companies/sites to start yet we’re so slammed will ICM stuff that we’re never able to get them off the ground. So.. now.. we’ve decided to see if we can get some folks on board to help us launch one of our favorites,
You might be thinking, what exactly does this entail? for starters, a player piano WITH a few dozen rolls of songs. Yes, it is a wonderful and fun invention. This is the old school style too, no fancy technology here.

The idea is to take video of the roll as the piano plays then post it on People could sing along to it as they watch the words roll by and they could also record their own karaoke type videos which would be displayed below the original post. These videos would be rated/ranked and the best karaoke versions of songs from the player piano would show up on top, and also possibly win a prize. Each day a new song would be added to the home page and people could just listen to for fun, sing along, and, if so inclined, could use their webcam/phone/camera to record them (and friends) singing along to songs like “The Greatest American Hero Theme”, “Elvira”, and “Take My Breath Away.”

What we need, for starters, is for someone to take the player piano and music rolls, and start recording all of the songs. We’ll need to build a simple website (prolly wordpress, possibly joomla) and we’re planning on running all/most of the video through We can utilize their marketing team to help get the word out when the time is right. With their help we’ll have an instant audience upon launch.
If you’re interested in running this project, please contact me ASAP. We will be setting up advertising on to help cover costs of the project and hopefully bring in some $$ so there is an opportunity to make a li’l money off this if things go well.

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