Concert Review

Cornelius Sensuous Synchronized Show and The Duo at Webster Hall NYC

Words by Kate Schruth

Photos by Arthur Shim

Last Saturday I had the extreme pleasure of seeing The Cornelius Group perform the Sensuous Synchronized Show at Webster Hall. I got there as the opener, The Duo, was just firing up for their set. Because I knew the Cornelius show to be just as visual as aural, I headed immediately to the balcony to claim a spot behind the sound board. Being a pretty short girl, I have to get creative with my vantage point if I want to see the stage. Fortunately for me, my friends Melissa and Kaia had the exact same idea and I ended up having great company for the show.

The Benevento Russo Duo was playing in fine form, as usual. I actually didnt know the Duo was billed so it was a great surprise to see their name on the marquee. Also meant I got to see Marco Benevento play twice in a week. They played a great set, the highlight definitely being Something for Rockets. Webster Hall usually doesnt fill up before the headliner goes on, but this evening it was packed for the opening set. Arthur got pics of them from the DC show the night before.

The Cornelius show was awesome. Kiego Oyamada and gang played some beautiful music to a whole collection of Corneliuss music videos. The set opened with Breezin with the slow motion bubbles inside of bubbles. Tone Twilight Zone went over really well with the crowd; the walking fingers did it I think. My favorite number by far was
Wataridori the video art is just beautiful, not to mention its a fantastic song. Most of the time it was hard to get over how precise everything was. Also, the sheer amount of talent and creativity represented on stage was so impressive. Much of the imagery was either inspired by or pulled from 1970s American culture, including some clips from Plant of the Apes, paying homage to Corneliuss handle.

They also invited someone on stage to play the Theremin. I really love when bands do this, theres something so fun about watching someone from the audience play on stage with a band. I was so happy to have been able to see this show. I highly recommend seeing Cornelius if you ever get the chance, which doesnt happen that often, it seems.

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