Concert Review

Les Savy Fav & Cheeseburger at Music Hall of Williamsburg

Words by Kate Schruth

Photos by Abbey Braden

It had been three weeks since I’d last seen a show, and this way the way I ended the break. In this city, being on a musical hiatus is an activity in itself. Avoiding show lists, staying your hand from buying tickets – it’s an effort. To come back with such a show though, seems it may have been worth it.

Before I get to the heart of the matter, we should talk about the Music Hall of Williamsburg. It was mine and Abbey’s first time at the new venue, formerly Northsix. While I’d like to say that I like one version of the venue better, they’re such different spaces it’s not easy to compare. If you’re wondering, MHoW is Bowery. Exact same, except without that awesome bar on the top balcony. I guess I did like Northsix better, with its weird shapes, bleachers and pillars. MHoW is a great place though.

As for the musical portion of the evening, we had fun. We missed the Fatal Flying Guilloteens so Cheeseburger became our opener. I’d wanted to check this band out, not that their music is exactly my taste, but anyone who copies a Nilsson cover is alright with me. Also, it’s worth noting that while sleazy rock punctuated by gimmicks and butt crack isn’t music at its finest, I cant think of a better band to open for Les Savy Fav. Also they were awesome. Broken bottles, audience dismembered pinatas and a consistent flow of garbage, full drinks and pinata parts being thrown back at the band – this was the essence of the show. By the time they finished up the set the stage was completely trashed and people were fired up. I spent some of the set watching Tim Harrington in the audience – the band definitely has his stamp of approval.

I think maybe what I like most about Les Savy Fav is their incongruous nature. It’s all linsey-woolsey when you’ve got Harrington hanging himself by his mic cord from a pipe running under the balcony and then there’s the rest of the band, playing like there’s nothing to see. As usual there was heroic music and off the wall antics, Harrington did “Sweat Descends” half the time from inside an eagle mask and half from inside a trash can out in the audience, but there was also a new thing. We had the distinct honor of meeting the winner of the LSF video contest. Her name is Bunny and she won a trophy and a check for a sweet thou for her music video for “The Equestrian”. Bunny is six. She helped the band perform the song on stage from under a pair of enormous headphones, I’m pretty sure they’re the ones that the Butler baby wears when on stage. She seemed a little nervous, but that’s a story I would have liked to have when I was in high school. Anyways, it was great to see the band so soon after their first LP release in like what, six years? Sweaty, fast, loud; a perfect return to the music of NYC.

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