Concert Review

Subways, Away Station, and The Shys at the Troubadour

Words by Andrew Youssef

Photos by

Soon bands will have a sticker that says “as seen on the OC” on their CD. That is assuming you still go to brick and mortar record stores. The Subways have the honor of having “Rock N Roll Queen” hand selected for an OC episode. The song was also given away as a free
download for itunes. So I secured my ticket to the show at the Troubadour early. This was night number 3 in a row for the Troubadour (White Rose Movement on tuesday, Snow Patrol on Wednesday, and the Subways on thursday).

Away Station hailing by the way of Las Vegas was on first. They mentioned it was their debut LA show. With the piano setup and a few songs behind them, I couldn’t help think that they had a Coldplay/something corporate sound to them. The band went through some very anthemic songs, it will be interesting to see where they go.

The Shys came up next. I had happenend to read in the Los Angeles times calendar section about them that day. The times article had hyped them up. It mentioned
they were previously named the GunShys and then shortened their name due to the usual legal prior name lawsuit. When they setup the equipment, the lead singer was sporting a very Julian Casablancas look and jacket. It was to my surprise that once they started playing, they rocked. The place started to get more excited and cameras started to flash more as the show went on. I couldn’t help tapping my feet as well. They will be playing with the Colour at the Troubadour in a few months so you should check them out.

The Subways came out and started rocking from the get go. They were running around stage all night and I am sure Timothy had a fun time trying to track them for photos. Charlotte looked stunning and was playing her bass with quite a ferocity. Unfortunately for me, she happens to be engaged to Billy, who played guitar with some very Kurt Cobain like movements. The Subways played as a very tight unit and all the songs sounded great. They blazed through “City Pavement”, “Oh Yeah”, and “Young for Eternity”. I was very impressed with their energy throughout the show, but then again they are still teenagers. They took a short break to do a raucous encore of “Rock N Roll Queen” and I ended up with the set list to prove I was there. See ya at the next show!

Subways at Cinespace

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