Concert Review

Free Yr Radio Miami with The Walkmen

Words by Ice Cream Man

Photos by

Weve been fortunate to sling cream all over the country this year with Free Yr Radio. Its a project created by Toyota Yaris and Urban Outfitters that raises funds and awareness for non-commercial radio stations. They throw shows at different UOs around the country and bands play inside the store. The local radio stations get involved to help get the word out and receive a Yaris to help with their fundraising needs. Before the shows start we park Bessita out front and give away ice cream to the people waiting to get in or to passers-bye who are curious as to whats going on. The whole tour has been great but Ive personally only been able to attend the concert in Philly with The Secret Machines. I was happy to be able to rework my schedule a bit to get me to Miami to check out The Walkmen and to see whats going on in South Beach.

The journey to Miami was quite a long one from Austin, Texas. It started with a trip to New Orleans where I got stuck for a couple days. When I finally made it out, I realized I messed up my travel plans and would have to leave Newt in Orlando then find a way to Miami. That journey had me waking up in Gainesville, driving to Orlando Airport, taking a bus from there to the Amtrak station, taking the train to Miami, taking Metro Rail to downtown Miami, taking another bus to Miami Beach, then another bus to where I needed to be. Whew long day. I wanted to stay in the local hostel to get a feel for what it was like since Id never been there before, but they were full up. Thankfully I was able to score a cheap room via priceline and, after eating some Paella at Puerto Sagua, got some much needed rest.

The concert wasnt until 8 at night so I had some time to get cream, wash Bessita, and run a few errands before arriving at the UO on Collins. Once parked I met Matthew who was helping with photos. There werent many people out front but once the staff at the store saw we had arrived they were quick to jump on the opportunity of free treats. We had a good selection of ice cream sandwiches, Sundae Crunches, TMNTs, Powerpuff Girls, Orange Dream Bars, fruit bars, and a secret stash of Chips Galore sandwiches.

The store was closed until about a half hour before the show so people ended up hanging out front andnaturally they enjoyed a lot of ice cream. We had some other folks from local businesses come by (universally, workers at Kid Robot LOVE ice cream) and some local taxi drivers held up traffic until we tossed em some fudge bars. It was a Monday night in early October so there werent that many people wandering around. Miami is a very diverse place and its fun to have such a variety of people walking by. Sometimes people wouldnt take treats while walking one way down the street then pick something up on the way back.

I was excited to hear some of The Walkmens set. Ive rocked their new album, You & Me and dug it. It kinda has a bit of a Spanish flair to it which seemed fitting for Miami. Ive seen them a few times and have been impressed. Since I was supposed to be working, I would sling cream out front then run over to stand in front of the door where I could listen to some songs then head back to Bessita. This went on for about an hour before they wrapped things up and people flooded outside to grab seconds for the way home. I had packed the cooler pretty tight so there was still plenty of cream left. I did what I could then rearranged the cooler and dry ice so itd last ’til the morning.

With Bessita soundly asleep for the night I hopped into Kathleens car to join her and Tamekia and we headed away from the tourist part of Miami Beach to Churchills. Once we got in and grabbed some PBRs and sat down to listen to the jazz band playing, I realized how great this place was. When the jazz band took a break a 70-something-year-old dj jumped on the turntables and started spinning old blues cuts. Wow. If youre ever around Miami, check this place out, especially on a Monday night.

I got back that night with enough time to get a decent nights sleep then woke up early and drove to Savannah, GA on my way to Brooklyn. On the way outta town I stopped at the Cross Road Food Bank in Fort Lauderdale to drop off the treats that were left over. Ill be back slinging cream in Florida in a couple days for the Playstation Pro AST Dew Tour. Keep a look out if youre around Orlando.

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