Concert Review

Saosin at Newport Beach PacSun

Words by Dave Gooch

Photos by Nicolas Bates

Headlining the second annual PacSun sponsored PacTour, Saosin made a special appearance to play a secret acoustic show at a PacSun store. After weeks of hints, it was eventually revealed to be the store at Fashion Island in Newport Beach.

Since Newport is just a hop, skip and jump from our home base in Long Beach, it wasn’t too hard to load a pushcart in the truck and head down. Malls are always a little tricky to sling at, party because of rules they have, partly because there’s a good chance you’ll get mobbed. Luckily, we were able to set up in a hallway behind the store and as kids left the store after the show, we were there ready to hand them some ice cream.

We were stoked to find that they were running a deal to get two pairs of jeans for $59 so Nick and me both grabbed a couple pairs while Danielle found herself a purse she liked.

With very few ice creams left, we let the staff fill up their freezer and took off for more adventures.

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